I have been too busy to blog as I have been catching up with Breaking
Bad so that I could watch the final episode last night – which I did.
I found the ending to be entirely satisfactory and all the chickens came
home to an appropriate roost. I am guessing that Baby Blue will be biggest
selling single on iTunes for the next few days. Badfinger will be pleased.
I just don’t know what to say about Breaking Bad. It is certainly in my
all time top 5 – and is quite possibly Number 1. I will need to think about
this for a while.
Bryan Cranston was just mesmerizing as Walt – and the badder he got –
the better he was – if you get my meaning.
The photo shows our Hicks Yews installed. I have set up a trickle
watering system so that they will get a good start. This is as much as we are
going to do this year and will have another look next Spring.
JoAnn our gardening person says that the squirrels have vanished because
there is a hawk-like critter in the area. This would be the Buzzard who ate one
of my Northern Cardinals last week. She says the Blue Jays warn the squirrels.
Isn’t that nice. Walt could learn something from them.
Cate is back from Europe tonight and I have washed her car and made her
favourite Thai Chicken soup. The ironing is up to date. She will be pleased.