
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A new addition to the family

We have a new addition to our family. It is small and black and very cute.

No it is not a cat.

It is an addition to our Apple family - and is an Apple TV.

But it is not really a TV – it is a small back box the size of two cigarette packets – and it does not have a screen.

I had trouble coming to grips with this concept when I first heard about Apple TVs  - and could not imagine how it would work.

Cate has been badgering me recently about how we need an Apple TV so that we can download and watch movies - so I had to do some research to find out the implications of owning this strange little creature.

Well we bought it on Saturday and I installed it the same day - and it works – after a fashion.

It does not yet do everything it is supposed to but I have high hopes.

I can now download movies and videos from iTunes and watch them on the TV. Indeed we can watch them on our iPads if we wish.

I can also play all my music through the TV and look at all my photos. I am not sure why I would want to do this – but I can.

There is supposed to be more – but some fine tuning will be required until it reaches its full potential.

I am not sure I am capable of this and may have to get Lenny (or indeed Ernest) to visit to get everything working.


  1. Well, as they say, go big or go home. All Apple all the time. Actually the pictures on the TV sound nice. I have the picture frame that runs a slide show and I enjoy it now and again.

  2. Sorry for the single word burst of eXcitement, I am just in the middle of a wonderful batch of soup. I added diced jalapeƱos and purple onion and it was fabulous. I was watching Wall Street Journal videos last night on my Apple TV.

  3. Congratulations! Although I am jealous but mainly because I can't work out the smallest technical things so don't buy them. Maybe I should get Lenny to visit me...

  4. fmcgmccllc: I still have a windows PC - because there are still things I cannot do with Apple - but one day!

    esb: I have no idea what a jalapeno tastes like - I shall investigate - it sounds good.

    Wanderlust: WE would dearly love another cat - but Monika would have a complete nervous collapse.

    Sandy: Lenny kis a whiz at all things to with this type of stuff - he does it for a living.
