Australia has one of the highest standards of living in the world. We have a minimum wage of $17.29 per hour. People who work do not have to get food stamps just to survive.
We have universal health care. Everyone pays a percentage of their wage for health insurance. When they get sick they go to a doctor or a hospital. When they do they know that whatever else happens they will not get bankrupted by medical bills.
When people become unemployed they get unemployment benefits. These are not cut off after six months so that they have to live in cardboard boxes and forage in rubbish bins for food. Sure they have to look for work - but if it is not available they are not punished.
We believe that women (and not old white men) have the right to decide what they do with their bodies. We believe in the right of the individual to choose.
We indulge the religious - of all varieties. They are allowed to do what they want to as long as they don't bother us. We do not bother them.
We believe in the dignity of people and their right to a decent life in a civilised society. This is why we do not treat them like vermin because they cannot contribute as much as we can.
OMG is this (shudder) socialism.
No it is Australia!