I am up to my ears again in the US tax return.
This is still being done for us by PWC – this is the last year – but I still
have to fill out all the data which is tedious beyond all belief. It is
absolutely astonishing the things the IRS wants to know.
A man is coming next week to count our socks and
I posted a blog last nite and had a bit of a rant
about politicians but I deleted it because no one wants to read that stuff.
Well – maybe I will have a small rant.
Yes I know I am not an American but I do live
here – and Cate pays taxes here and in Australia so I feel entitled to rant about
both countries.
Rant begins
I signed a petition asking Elizabeth Warren to run
for President. She is much too smart to do that – but it is a nice thought – she
would make a great President.
She is real and honest – and hates the robber
barons who are destroying the country.
And I can’t vote – but I can hope.
I can hope that congress would work to build
America – to improve the lives of the underprivileged – to build the crumbling
infrastructure – to improve the environment – to get everyone covered by health
insurance – to get a minimum wage that allows people to live without getting
food stamps – that makes the top 1% pay the same rate of tax as average wage
Rant ends
But hey – we are making progress. The senate voted
98-1 that climate change is real and not a hoax. Even Jim Inhofe who wrote ‘The greatest hoax – how the climate change
conspiracy threatens your future’.
He says now that his book has been misunderstood.
It was supposed to be called ‘Muppy and the Lambkins go to the Zoo.’
But they ran into a few problems when they had to
vote on whether or not we the people had anything to do with it. Most
Republicans could not go that far – and especially not if they were running for
President – but we are making progress.
I know you are desperate to know who voted against.
It was R Wicker (R) of Mississippi.
He will now become a Fox regular.