
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What could possibly go wrong?

Bohusland - Sweden
I went to the doctor this morning for an annual checkup and to talk in general terms about my arthritis. There is nothing much anyone can really do about arthritis - but I like to discuss it every now and the with a professional.

Although I did see an ad recently where people who were so crippled with arthritis that they could not pick up a cup with their gnarly hands.

Then they started wearing gloves with copper studs in them - and the next thing you know they are playing volley ball.

My arthritis is in my foot but I bet I could adapt one of those gloves to fit – after all there is not much difference between fingers and toes. And they were only $19.95 plus p & p – with a special offer of two for the price of one.

Anyway I got to the doctor’s office at 10.00 and the receptionist said that my appointment was for 9:45 and that she would have to check with the doctor to see if he could still fit me in.

Apparently he could because after 40 minutes he appeared. We had a very nice chat. He does no own a gun and cannot understand why so many people feel that they must.

We discussed the recent law changes in Georgia that allow people to carry concealed weapons in bars, churches, schools and airports.

What could possibly go wrong?

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