
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Another false start

Another false start to Spring. It’s freezing again today so I had to remove the cat door. There is talk of snow on Sunday. Shriek! Even I – who loves winter – have had enough of this one.

My next problem is my T-Mobile account. Well – in December my contract with T-Mobile expired and silly me – not realizing that the end was near – took out a new two year contract for the latest iPhone.

So I am stuck with this – which is fair enough – but my attempts to deal with the problem with T-Mobile have not met with a great deal of success. They lack inflexibility.

Can I cancel my contract?            Nein
Can I pay it out?      Nein
Can I change the monthly payments – because I will not be using it? Nein
Can I use my iPhone in America? Nein
Is there anything at all I can do? Nein

Can I stick my head up a dead bear’s bum”? Ja

Well of course what I can – and will - do is just cancel my credit card and T-Mobile will no longer get their money. This may focus their attention on the problem and we can reach an agreement.

Tomorrow we are going on a three day trip to the Romantik Strasse in Germany.

This is my favorite kind of trip as there are lots of ruins and castles. These bring me out in a rash but I have ointment which I can apply so the discomfort is  bearable provided it does not go on too long. And they have wine in Germany.

I will attempt to blog.


  1. As there is T Mobile here in the states you would think they would try to keep you as a customer. I am sure the credit card should wake them up.

  2. false statrs can happen as we get older mate.... hahahah! ;o)

  3. Of course the danger is that T-Mobile will chase you for unpaid amounts which you are contractually obliged to pay them. I just hope that your relaxed attitude to this possibility is not misplaced!

  4. fmcgmccllc: They are completely separate and don't care

    simon: That is why I have jump leads

    viennesewaltz: Of course I will pay them - I just want them to make it a bit easier.
