
Friday, March 15, 2013

It is not supposed to make sense

Today it is beyond freezing. The apartment is the coldest it has ever been and the heating system in the apartment has responded in its usual helpful fashion – it has shut down completely and now only blows cold air – so I have turned it off.

I have be wearing a beanie and gloves in the apartment and am lighting the fire early – but I am nearly out of firewood.

I may burn the new lounge suite because Cate says it will not work in  our new house. It does not work in this one why so would it work anywhere else?

After my protestations about not being on the bank account the bank – in the form of Bradley – sent me an email saying they had decided that I could be added.

Unfortunately – he said - they will close the account 30 days after it is opened if we do not provide them with a Social Security number. The closure date is 4 April.

We do not arrive in the USA until 2 May and cannot apply for the number until we get there – then it will take 10 days to issue.

I have told him that this does not seem to make a lot of sense (and I am guessing it is not supposed to) and does he have a view of the appropriate way forward. Thus far he has remained silent.

He is after all billed as a ‘Financial Wellness Expert’ and it can hardly be financially healthy if our account is closed before we can use it.

On another matter – Monika was fitted with her first collar yesterday she has never worn one before. I was expecting problems but she took to it like a Duck to water – and looks quite fetching.


  1. I wiLL send some warm thoughts your way. It is 80 F and s'pposed to peak at 86 later thisafternoon. It is stiLL a couple months before I can take the pineapples outside, as my nights stiLL get a little too chiLLy. I am glad Monika adjusted weLL to her jewelry.

  2. Morning mate! Well, its blue skies, golden autumn sunshine, a gentle breeze moving the leaves across the national park, here.

    So I have no idea what you re complaining about. just shut your eyes and think "golden thoughts". :o)

  3. I know I can be a little bit naive, but is that true?
    ‘Financial Wellness Expert’

  4. Don't know if it's a match to your preferences, Badger, but HSBC is pretty good at setting up US banking ahead of a move. I seem to recall they prefer, but don't actually require, a premier account.

  5. Viera: A few minor flurries only.

    esb: Feel warmer already

    simon: Thanks for the cheering up

    head in the sun: I am afraid so

    feuillet: We are stuck with the people who are lending us money to buy a house

  6. We have a very sketchy gas station at the corner and it was the only place that Big Daddy could use to get our money out of China. He would go use the ATM and get 200 dollars twice a day. I am sure the gas station owners wondered about him. There was only one bank in China that could wire transfer money to the US, but you had to be in China with your tax statements to do so.

  7. fmcgmccllc: I think I am going to send a lot of time at ATMs.
